
SKU: TIP3119 Categories: ,

Prepare yourself, client, and witnesses to handle the problems and opportunities that social media sites present for your lawsuit.

Chances are good that your client, the adverse party, witnesses on both sides, and the potential jurors have comments about themselves — their prejudices – and even about the events and damages in litigation. You need to proactively protect your client and witnesses. You need to ask the right questions about social media sites when you take depositions of adverse witnesses. That's why we provide the Social Media Tips and Checklists Suite of forms and checklists.

Social Media Tips and Checklists Suite gives you:

  • Checklist Form Handout: Four things to tell your individual clients. This has both a short discussion for you as the attorney, and also a to-the-point form set of instructions to hand to your client, to emphasize what you are telling them.
  • Checklist Questions Outline: Social Media questions to ask in depositions. The group of questions you should ask every adverse witness during a deposition, and that your client and witnesses should be prepared to answer.
  • Lawyer Action Checklist: Seven actions you should take as an attorney regarding social media sites. Today, every litigator should accomplish these, in relation to social media sites and the client, witnesses, and jurors. You’ll probably print this out and put it in your case notebook or file, as a checklist reminder to yourself.
  • Knowledge, compactly stated, of social media sites and the traps or opportunities they pose during discovery, litigation, and trial.
  • The confidence of knowing good case management steps, and having them explicitly stated in checklists that keep you on track.
  • A great return on a small investment! You get the return of results that protect your client, your witnesses, and yourself. Costs less than you charge for 1/10 of an hour of your time. You cannot afford to research and write these three checklists yourself. Plus you get in this form, not only ththe three checklists, but also the considered knowledge and tips of a recognized top trial lawyer.

Your client, the adverse party, witnesses on both sides, experts and jurors are using social media network spaces (like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and blogs). They are using social media network spaces because your client, the adverse party, witnesses on both sides, experts and jurors have a great desire to instantly tell all their friends about events in their lives — including their accidents and contracts, their personal injury, their vacations, their social interactions, and their economic ups and downs. That desire for “instantly telling my friends and the world” can help or hurt your case.

Don’t think that “social networking sites” are reserved for comments on personal events and relationships. Social network pages are used by businesspeople and by businesses for business purposes. Companies now are routinely using social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and company blogs to promote their business or communicate with customers or employees. A tremendous number of businesses, of all sizes, are moving beyond having a traditional internet web site to now using social network spaces as a means of instant and easy communication with business associates or customers. Those business blogs and other social networking sites used by the company can hurt your case.

Social Media Tips and Checklists Suite gives you the proactive checklists and knowledge to do the right thing about social media and the parties, witnesses, and jurors.

We are selling Social Media Tips and Checklists Suite for only $24.90. Click the “Add To Cart” button to get started now.


SKU: TIP3119 Categories: ,