By Leonard Bucklin

This thesis is simple: Never leave the office for a deposition without a checklist!

Here is the short story, a deposition checklist, with your outline of the subjects and questions to be covered, does these things.

  • Prevents you from missing points;
  • Gives you a predetermined “probable best order” for inquiring about the subjects;
  • Makes you more effective in the in the deposition;
  • Gives you confidence in discovery depositions;
  • Prevents you from missing points (I know, we mentioned that before); and
  • Makes you look good to the witness, your client, and the adverse attorney!

Leonard Bucklin's Trial Notebook SystemIt’s even better if you wrote this checklist by using a good legal form for the deposition subject. Why? Because a form checklist outline of the common questions saves you time in preparation. A good form checklist is better than you probably would be in predetermining a “probable best order” for inquiring about the subjects. A good form checklist is better than you probably would be in preventing missed points.

Never leave the office for a deposition without a checklist!

Bucklin’s multi-volume, discovery, litigation, and trial advice and tactics text is now available through the James Publishing site.