Our subpoena duces tecum form gives you the language to:
- Specify how electronically stored information (ESI) in the expert’s files is to be produced and viewed at the deposition.
- Set a limit on how much you will pay for a copy of the expert’s materials.
- Limit the “preparation time” for which the expert will charge you.
- Choose best alternative language regarding discovery of the communications between the expert and retaining attorney.
- Solid, inclusive, language specifying the universe of items that you want.
Included in this form: For you as an attorney – a ten (10) page summary law report with valuable tips and tactics, including comments on the December 2010 amendments to Rule 26 discovery of communications between expert and attorney.
Three big points:
- Advanced Strength Subpoena Duces Tecum allows you to quickly prepare a subpoena that heads off common problems at the deposition of an expert.
- Advanced Strength Subpoena Duces Tecum will give you the confidence of knowing that an expert trial attorney has coached you on points you need to consider in getting the expert to bring what you want, and to avoid arguments on fees with the adverse expert.
- Advanced Strength Subpoena Duces Tecum is a very low investment with a high value return.
We want you to have the best, as though you had a senior top litigator sitting next to you, giving you the benefit of years of experience.
The form is 16 pages long. The cost is $25.90. Like all our products, there is a 60 day, “no-questions – money back – guarantee.” (That means there is no reason not to buy to try.)
This Advanced Strength Subpoena Duces Tecum form has:
- Ten pages of report on the law and how to use the form paragraphs.
- Additional pages of form paragraph language, divided into five “Note” categories, for you to pick, modify in your word processor, and use in your next subpoena to an adverse expert for a deposition. These are form paragraphs that you can add easily to the subpoena form you customarily have used in the past.
You cannot afford to spend the time to draft the language in this form yourself, at the small price of this form.
Advanced Strength Subpoena Duces Tecum is a good buy! In almost all litigation today there is an adverse expert. From the treating or examining doctors in a standard personal injury automobile accident, to the esoteric experts in class actions, there are experts to be subpoenaed to their deposition. Over the years, this Advanced Strength Subpoena Duces Tecum form will save you time, time after time.
The fact is, just the FEELING of knowing you are serving the best deposition subpoena your adversary expert has ever seen must be worth $25.90. Perhaps, you can consider your small investment not only powering you to work better, faster, smarter, but also giving you an emotional edge.